Thursday, October 11, 2007

Health Wealth

To all ladies reading this post: Have you ever daydreamed about how you'll look in that gorgeous gown on your special day. Yet not all are born with that to-die-for figure. Some of us have to work harder than others to achieve that satisfactory stature.

I've tried a few ways of keeping a good bod - cutting food intake, skipping meals, exercising, etc. This might sound cliche but after a while, I realised it's wiser to exercise adequately and eat appropriately to gain a lean, healthy body than starve ourselves. I picked up jogging when I am contributing to the local work force. However, there was a span of time I stopped jogging and grew fat. But oh how great a motivation getting married is that pushes a woman to her feet and start exercising. Glorious exercise.
At my previous job, I met this group of fervent joggers (marathoners, half-marathoners) who jogged with me and taught me much about breathing techniques and suitable shoes for joggers. I picked up jogging again from that time and rekindled my passion for this sport. Now I feel so much healthier. I made another discovery. My self-image improved as well! Even though I'm still a bit fleshy. ;P
As a 'grand finale' to my training, I took part in the 5-km Shape Run and completed the run in 35 minutes. Evidence of my 5-km victory:

A word of caution. Don't go into jogging or, for that matter, don't embark on any sport hastily without first consulting a doctor or assessing what's suitable for you. Do your research. I guess I was over-enthusiastic when I picked up jogging again. After a while, a pain developed in my left foot. Could be a heel spur or plantar fasciitis as advised by my doctor. If you'd like to try jogging, try this website for some valuable information -
Cheers to a healthier, wealthier you!

1 comment:

  1. this..will help..
