Sunday, October 18, 2009


It's indeed strange to have a new addition of this sort to the family. I didn't feel it those 3 days in the hospital after giving birth but I feel it now that we've taken this little 'bundle of joy' home.

The 3 days in the hospital had been heavenly, compared to home, despite all the pains and aches and lochia from childbirth. (I had an episiotomy to recover from, on top of the epidural effects.) There were nurses to take care of junior - bathing, watching out for him, pushing him to me when it was time to feed.

The day we brought him home, I felt like bringing a stranger home. The foetus that was in my womb for 9 months somehow didn't ring a bell with this little wee being cuddled in my arms.

Life at home has changed forever. No more "just the 2 of us", no more cozying up in the sofa to watch our favourite DVDs, no more going out for nice dinners without having to think about what to do with junior. In exchange, it's feeding every 2-3 hrs, changing soiled/ heavy nappies, comforting a wailing baby, late-night feeds (thank God only once in the wee hours), cranky mood that keeps Berry and I awake the whole night, sleep deprivation.

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