Saturday, October 10, 2009

Final Check Up

This is D-day. Baby's head is finally engaged. (I think it's thanks to the swim yesterday.) Gynae did a vaginal examination for me and found my cervix 1 cm dilated and pretty ripe, I suppose. She said, "Your cervix is quite ready." She gave us a choice of induction today or tomorrow. No difference to me. So we decided that today it shall be. She inserted a pill into my vagina. If no show/ blood, no water bag burst, no contractions, admit myself into hospital at 8pm. If any of the above happens, admit into hospital immediately.
And to confirm my suspicion, whenever baby is arched like an angry cat in my tummy, it means contraction. I've been experiencing Braxton Hicks no doubt for the past few weeks. Ha...
Now, I can't seem to time the contractions properly. They seem to come and go at odd intervals, so I'm wondering if I should go to hospital now. Berry is still very cozy in his couch watching Hell Boy. Sigh...

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