Saturday, October 3, 2009

Gate Crashed Hospital Tour

Just had my check up at the gynae's clinic today. Berry decided to see if we could get an impromptu tour of the maternity and labour wards at the hospital. Else, the usual scheduled visits are on Tue 12noon or Thu 4pm. Bad timings for Berry as he can't make it due to his busy schedule.

The hospital customer service staff were nice enough to accommodate to our request, though they were quick to remind us that we may not be able to view at all if all wards were occupied and that they were going out of their way to give us an impromptu tour.

The maternity ward was newly renovated a few months ago. Looks really nice. We'd have a plasma TV, and player to play music.

The labour ward was a little cold. The lights seemed quite harsh. Think I'd ask the hospital staff to dim the lights that day, if possible. May be good to have a cozy, less threatening environment to give birth, especially if labour is going to be long.

My check up was ok. Baby is lower but still not engaged at 37.5 weeks. Movement is ok. Growth is ok too. Doc did another growth scan to make sure baby is ok since the last growth scan showed his tummy wasn't growing fast enough.

Doc did mention that junior is still small, though within an acceptable range. By the next check up, we'd probably need to decide if we need to go through induction if he doesn't choose his date to be offloaded. Hope he's like me. Strong-minded. Then perhaps he'd make a decision as to the date he wants to pop out. Then we won't have to decide for him to be induced.

Also shared with gynae a bit of my birth plan. She was adamant that I shouldn't read the internet and take in all those garbage about good birth positions and that when real contractions come, I'd be in so much pain that I probably couldn't keep myself straight. As for epidural, she was for the idea that I shouldn't wait till I was half-dead and couldn't think straight before I finally opt for it. The administration would also be affected by then as I probably wouldn't be able to keep my back straight.

So when I'm in labour, I should be assessed when admitted to hospital to see how advanced my labour is. If it's already half done, I shouldn't be opting for an epidural as it takes some time to prepare and be administered. The effect probably wouldn't take effect till after I'm past much of the labour. But if the assessment shows that I'm still in early labour, I should decide fast if I'd like an epidural. This is so as not to waste their time and my time, so says my doc.

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