Friday, October 2, 2009

My Birth Plan

I never knew what a birth plan was. I still don't. However, here's my attempt at one. Hope I'm in time to discuss this with my gynae tomorrow.

1. No epidural until I really can't take it. But midwife has to be experienced enough to know the ultimate point I should have an epidural before it's too late to have one, ie, the worst pain is over. I want to keep the birth as natural as possible, and avoid having to use ventuose/ forceps.

2. No strapping me to the bed such that my movement is impeded. Although I'd be put on a drip due to Grp B streptoccocus, I'd still want to be able to go on all 4s. I read this is one of the better birth positions to encourage junior to come out easily.

3. After the birth, I hope baby can be brought to me to have a look before he's to be taken away to do all the checks on his health.

4. I'd like to have help on how to breastfeed.

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